Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Day 3, Palo Duro Canyon and Oklahoma City Memorial

Today has been outstanding:
First, we went to the Oklahoma City Memorial, that is just overwhelming. So many lives lost, graphic details of the minutes before, during and after the blast. It’s completely mind boggling at times. Myself, even a seasoned RN, became unsettled by the extremely graphic detail of one surgeon’s testimony of having to amputate a woman’s leg to save her life and pull her from underneath a beam. Her mother and two children with her, were killed instantly. He had to use a pocket knife, but she lived . That is just one of the many storieis there. Another is of the LPN who was off duty, but ran in to help. She saved a few people, went back in to help more and was injured by falling debris. She stumbled back into the street, and died 3 days later from a head injury. It really hurts to see the pictures of all the kids/babies that were killed in the daycares there. Incredible thanks goes out to the firefighters and other rescue people. Amazing bravery and we should all stand proud to them. Thanks Mike...
The pool outside and all of the chairs are quiet reminders of live’s senselessly lost. These are all to let us know that life is quick and unpredictable, enjoy it.
My kids had never used a parking meter, so it’s the simple things sometimes that impresses.

We left and drove to Amarillo. Along the way we encountered HUGE windmills, lots of sun-bleached pavement, flat lands of wheat that went forever, blue skies that wrapped around the distand hills, a plane doing acrobat stunts that took our breath away as he flipped, spun sideways in the air above us. We stopped at the Route 66 museum in Elk city and took a lil tour. Stocked up on some Route 66 souveniers.
Then, we finished the drive to Amarillo listening to Louis L'amour audio book on XM radio. Fitting, long dry stretches, Louis Lamour and staring at the old Route 66 as it escorted us alongside I40. Nice trip.
Then, we got to Palo Duro. OMIGOSH….
I knew it was a “canyon” but I had no idea they really meant A CANYON!
We are camping in a dad blamed gosh durned CANYON!! Hahha, it is absolutely one of the most breath-taking campgrounds. It’s what camping is. Tonite, after the kids were in bed, Sharon and I sat outside in the bottom of this canyon and saw stars by the gazillions. And they are so bright, they illuminate the walls of the canyon that surrounds us. You see the walls silhouetted against the nite sky. No street lites. No nothing but God’s country….a wind blew easy around us at nite, like on the beach, and some bird, sounded like a goose, squawked as it flew over in the night sky. Incredibly awesome...not the bird, but the whole scene here.
That topped us having a steak dinner and show at the outside ampitheatre here. That show has ran for 42 years and it is filled with 2 hours of music, dancing, big time props, lighted canyon walls, fireworks; we had a blast there.

Once, I tried to get Anthony motivated and outta the camper, he was more into being inside than what I thought the canyon deserved I guess. So, I tried to make him feel guilty by stating how much beauty he would miss. He informed me that he had already seen a lot of beauty there and actually..he was tiring of the beauty.

Wasn't long after that he was a happy lil outside Indian again.
Palo Duro will be a destination camp for us. It is MUCH more deserving than one night.

Regrefully leaving Palo Duro,

Mark and fam.....

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