Friday, June 15, 2007

San Francisco & Casa De Fruita

Today was San Francisco:
Ok tonite, we’re just all plain wore out. We had a good day, not what we’d expected. The train ran earlier than we thought would happen, which threw off plans. We had to drive into San Fran which is about an hour from here. Then we had to find Fisherman’s Wharf; which entailed fishing thru downtown San Fran traffic in a 4wd/ 4door truck. That was fun. Then, we had to find parking down by the wharf. Then we had to find a parking space up on the 4th floor that I could fit the truck in.
We missed the chance to tour Alcatraz because by the time we got there, the soonest available tour was tomorrow at lunch. I was very disappointed about that. I was really looking forward to that tour. But maybe on another trip to San Fr….what am I saying???
I may come back, but this trip, combined with the trip to Vegas confirm, I am NOT a city boy…at all. Too many people, too many busy people.
We actually had a pretty good day; just didn’t turn out like we had expected. Had some great food and great San Fran coffee and it was good to see Alcatraz from afar. But, I really wanted inside the mafia stories it had to offer.
San Fran is’s like a mall beside the ocean that is all foreign people and a lot of men in tight hip hugger pants..

We awoke this morning to the sounds of a woman screaming….no, it was the call of the peacocks that roam freely here in Casa DeFruita RV park in Gilroy, California.

It’s ok for an rv park; full hookups, No wifi, but you can take your lap to the office and they have a cable for you so that you can get the necessaries done. Find locations, phone numbers, email, blogging. The best part of it all here is the fruit stand. That is what this rv park started as. It has an ENORMOUS fruit stand with fresh cherries, oranges, nuts, candies, etc. This is a snake that was beside the road outside the fruitmarket. Wife spotted it first and we were like OMG, it's a striped snake. Crikey and ain't she a beaaauty! So foreign and dangerous. Let't take it's picture so we can tell our friends about our close encounter with a dangerous serpent.
Found out later from a local; it's a snake that eats field mice....and it's dead.
The weather here is certainly more warmer than it was at San Fran or Morro Bay. That is really crazy and unexpected for us. The weather is not what we expected at all.
Also, unexpected is a tire problem. I noticed this after hooking up, we have three tires that have cracks, BIG cracks in them. I freaked out after seeing this cause driving up Hwy 1 on these?? YIKES, but we made it ok. They came on the camper, new in 05, so I called them and they are replacing all of them this morning free of charge. I had the camper serviced, including rotating the tires just before we left, so this happened on this trip. I’m just glad we are ok and the company is paying to replace them, no questions answered. I know from some of my friends on the that this was a problem. This is why it pays to buy from a reputable dealer.
So, after we all wakeup and get on the road, we officially start home. We’ll be headed east this time,back towards Tennessee via Yellowstone. Haha.
Next stop is Yosemite for two nites.
Hope all of you are ok, including my work buddies. Two of them had surgery since I left. They may never let me leave again.

The kids are doing great, much better than expected. Sharon has done an excellent job of keeping us all fed and cleanly clothed.

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